Losses for many retail businesses are difficult to track...often more than 3% of gross sales.
Shrinkage, or any form of loss, is a direct reduction of profit, and in many cases is preventable. Our business protection and retail loss prevention methods have proven effective in reducing turnover, improving customer relations, dramatically reducing losses, and thereby increasing profits.

The Layne Consultants International (LCI) loss prevention team begins by conducting an in depth evaluation of certain elements of your business that directly affect your protection. These include pre-employment screening procedures, hiring practices, written policies and guidelines, cash handling, theft prevention strategies, robbery prevention & response, substance abuse policies, workplace violence prevention strategies, and much more. We'll interview key personnel as well as other appropriate staff to determine what gaps may exist in current operations.
The LCI survey and evaluation examines the various ways that business losses occur, and the areas of your business that are most vulnerable. We will outline the methods used to drain profits and conduct a detailed evaluation of the following areas:
- Entrances and Exits
- High Profile Merchandise
- Locks and Key Controls
- Parking Lots
- Merchandise and Stocking
- Locks and Key Controls
- Transportation
- Shipping and Receiving
- Electronic Systems
- Warehouse
Inventory control procedures are one of our specialties. We'll take a close look at your receiving areas and stock room security. Our emphasis is on reduction of losses due to theft, mistakes, or unnecessary litigation.
The result of our in-depth analysis is a Comprehensive Report that details our findings, offers practical recommendations to improve your protection, and provides a long range Conceptual Protection Plan to assist you in planning and budgeting.

Other common areas of retail loss to be reviewed include:
- Shoplifting
- Vendor Theft
- Professional Thieves
- Refund Scams
- Returned Checks
- Robbery