Emergency planning, preparedness, management, and response...
A critical need of any institution, business, or organization is an objective, well-thought out, tested, and re-tested Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).

Because of changing environments and a number of elements affecting the organization’s ability to handle crises, the EOP needs to be a fluid, constantly changing document. Putting together a proper EOP requires input from major stakeholders within the organization; a thorough analysis of operational procedures, policies, and assets; as well as consideration of the administration’s operating philosophies. This may be a difficult and time-consuming process. With over 35 years of experience in public safety, emergency management, emergency response coordination, and protection planning, the Layne Consultants International (LCI) team is an excellent position to assist any size or scope of organization with the formulation of, upgrade, or composition of, a complete Emergency Operations Plan. Our proven format is easily adoptable for special situations or specific needs.
We are pleased to offer three distinct levels of service:

LCI’s team of recognized experts will visit your site, interview key personnel, review existing documents, perform a risk analysis survey of your facilities, and prepare a suitable deliverable. This is as close to “turn-key” as you can get, saving your organization a considerable amount of time, effort, and money.
The above described services are available worldwide. Fees are quoted based on the size of the organization and its facilities, and the time necessary to conduct an on-site evaluation, gather organizational information, and produce a professional EOP outline.