Financial Institutions offer unique problems for both Safety and Security:
Layne Consultants International (LCI) professional security & safety training program addresses
the everyday concerns of tellers, officers, and general staff.

LCI has been conducting bank security seminars for over 30 years, and bank employees tell us, "We learn more from your presentations than any other training method!" The goal of our financial institution protection workshop is to assist administrators in planning for emergency situations, and to help employees cope with the realization of "what to do if it happens here". We do not use gimmicks or tricks, nor do we stage fake emergencies. What we do is lead the audience through some well thought out role-playing situations, and help them to understand why their reactions must be planned, professional, and non-aggressive in most confrontations. The seminar covers the situations we don't like to think about...but must be prepared for. These include armed robbery, bomb threat-extortion, and personal protection. Presented in three segments, we include your policies and procedures for alarm activation, emergency signals, preventing hostage situations, and prevention of assault. We cover all requirements of the Bank Protection Act and much more. Our material is based on a combination of research and recommendations from leading law enforcement agencies and the FBI. Local law enforcement representatives are welcome.
Presentation time for the entire program is 75 minutes.
We even offer scheduling before or after normal banking hours to avoid interruption of business. Our copyrighted handout material accompanies each presentation. There is no limit to the number of attendees. For those institutions with numerous facilities or branches, we offer package pricing. The program also includes a special officer session that covers officer safety and workplace violence concerns.
This session is optional, but is non-the-less included in every program at no extra charge. LCI’s video, "Bank Protection Guidelines", is also available and may be used as a supplemental training tool for new employees.