Click on the company's below to read more about our partners.

The Protection Alliance
Founded by Layne Consultants International in 2000, The Protection Alliance is a federation of leading consultants working together to offer a broad range of experience and expertise in specific fields. The Alliance is a professional affiliation of security and fire protection firms with similar goals and objectives. Members of the group are independent, non-product affiliated authorities, working together to enhance their extensive professional skills, integrity, and recognition. The combined talents of Alliance members is directed towards projects in a host of specialty areas. Individual members of the Alliance are nationally recognized leaders in their respective areas with special skills and extensive experience. Areas of concentration include every facet of security management, consulting, training and planning.
MC Peterson & Associates
Since 2000, MC Peterson & Associates' founder Mark C. Peterson has served as LCI’s leading security design and technology partner. Mr. Peterson has over 30 years of industry experience performing security surveys, technology audits, policy and procedure development, design and specification services, project management, and system commissioning of integrated electronic security management systems including: intrusion detection, FIPS 201/TWIC smart cards, physical access control, video surveillance, parking control, and communication systems. Mark possesses extensive security industry product knowledge as well as expertise in electronic security system acquisition, implementation, and commissioning. He has conducted physical security informational sessions for American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS), BICSI, American Association of Museums (AAM), International Foundation of Cultural Property Protection (IFCPP), and the Smithsonian Institution's national cultural property protection conference. Mark is chairman of the Security Industry Association’s (SIA’s) Application Standards subcommittee, Technology Advisory for the International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection, and standing member of The Protection Alliance.
Heritage Protection Group/Fire Safety Network
Founded in 1990 by Nick Artim PE, CIPT, CIPI, HPG is a collaborative of licensed fire protection engineers and consultants who specialize addressing the unique fire safety issues in museums, libraries, archives and historic structures. Their worldwide clients range from remote rural historic societies to international monumental structures. Services offered include fire risk analysis, development of fire prevention and fire emergency response programs, performance-based fire protection evaluations and code consultation, integration of fire protection systems in historic buildings, and fire detection and suppression systems engineering. Mr. Artim is a principal member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Cultural Resources Committee, is a technical fire protection advisor for the International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection, and holds membership in the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), and International Association of Museum Facilities Administrators and Association for Preservation Technology. He has conducted a number of fire protection educational programs and authored technical documents for organizations that include IFCPP, the Northeast Document Conservation Center, and the Society of American Archivists. Nick is a standing member of The Protection Alliance.
C.H. Guernsey and Company
LCI is also proud of its long-standing strategic alliance with C.H. Guernsey and Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. C. H. Guernsey & Company offers the highest quality engineering and consulting solutions to clients in the United States and abroad. This alliance allows LCI to expand its support base for projects throughout the United States and abroad. While significantly improving our ability to provide the best in system evaluation, design, and specification, we're not changing players, but adding to the team. Our same reliable design team remains involved in direct management of all design projects.
98-2 Enterprises, LLC
Most recently, Layne Consultants has formed a partnership with 98-2 Enterprises, LLC. 98-2 was formed from a powerful concept taught by the renowned financial and tax consultant, Jog Gandolfo. Many years ago he personally planted the seed that success in life, personal, public service, business, and otherwise was centered around understanding people, their needs, wants, ideas, desires and supporting them to their full potential. The anchor of 98-2 Enterprises came from decades of watching these principles at work in the world of business, public and private services. People anchored in the skills and values will take us forward in the transition from Industrial Age into the Information Age and beyond. Values are centered around the belief that people are the greatest asset in any endeavor. Needs, wants, and ideas are executed effectively from anchored values and principles. Accomplishment comes through people. 98% people and 2% product knowledge.