Weapons Restrictions

The gun control hysteria continues. According to NBC Nightly News on January 11, there is currently an initiative to arm school janitors in Ohio. Teachers in several states are flocking to gun shops to buy weapons, take classes, and obtain concealed weapons permits. Does anyone, especially the NRA (which has now swelled to over 1 1/2 million members) understand that simply having a gun, carrying a gun, or learning to shoot a gun will not guarantee a stop to school shootings?! Talk to any combat veteran or police officer who has been under fire. It's not the same. When the targets fire back, you experience a "change of life," and not for the better. Friendly fire cases are many...and most are not publicized. The more guns carried by civilians, the more accidental or wrongful shootings will occur. We'll repeat this one more time, although it doesn't appear that many are listening...if you don't think about it every day, train to face it on a regular basis, practice the scenario in your head and in hands-on exercises, you will not be prepared to face an armed assailant. When an attack occurs, if you are anywhere other than right at the scene, with a weapon drawn, facing the bad guy (or girl)...your response will be too late. There is no guaranteed, 100 % solution to this problem. The best we can hope to do is educate the public, enforce the laws on the books, take great care in screening gun buyers, and adopt a positive security awareness program.
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