The news around the world continues to taut the rising terror threat.

Why would we think we're immune? Many business, government agencies. and institutions have grown complacent since recent incidents. But the terror threat is still real, and its worldwide. Terrorist acts are often acts of opportunity. More often, they are committed after periods of observation during which a distinct lack of awareness on the part of potential targets leads towards becoming actual targets. The best prevention steps aren't necessarily costly, but losses after the fact certainly are. Every business, every institution, every public building needs to regularly be concerned about:
- Perimeter Security - who has access, when do they have access, and how can that access be controlled.
- Staff Awareness - does the regular staff observe suspicious acts or activity, and if observed, is it reported?
- Electronic Security - are current systems adequate, working as they was intended, and regularly tested?
- Consistent Patrols - Are well-trained, properly equipped patrols thorough, visible, and efficient?
- Emergency Preparedness - Is there a plan, are personnel prepared to respond, is other help available?
These are the very basic needs, and strong deterrents to planned acts, as well as acts of opportunity. Security needs to be visible. When it is visible, it needs to appear capable of taking immediate action. Merely putting someone in a uniform (especially if it doesn't fit) only makes you more vulnerable. Proper training is essential. We are still a country at war. Think about security planning as the best way to protect the people you care about, if trouble comes to your doorstep. Upcoming programs and conferences provide an excellent opportunity to help you prepare for the worst.
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